Home of Portuguese pioneers Portuguese Joe Silvey (Portuguese Joe No. 1), Gregorio Fernandes, (aka Joe Fernandez (Portuguese Joe No. 2), Joe Gonçalves (aka Portuguese Joe No. 3, Gonzalves, Gonzales-later of Madeira Park), Peter Smith (Portuguese Pete, aka Pete the Whaler) and their aboriginal families (Fernandes, aka Fernandez, the first coffee roaster in BC never married). Smith may have been Da Costa.
Peter Smith's daughter and perhaps his wife is buried at Brockton Point which is an an
cient aboriginal cemetery. It also contains the remains of Chinese pioneers and Kanaka natives.
By 1874 Joe Silvey had given his house to Joe Goncalves and Tomkins Brew was living in Fernandes' house.
Painting by Edgar Bloomfield, 1906, Vancouver City archives collection